“The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” - Albert Einstein.
Einstein proposed the Theory of Relativity, that space and time are relative, and from this arose the question of: Is there a parallel universe? One theory that strives to explain this idea is The String Theory. The String Theory defines our universe as millions of strings connected, pulling on one another. Within one reality we are living there are also multiple other parallel universes coexisting with ours. We are constantly living in the past, present and future. The String theory also links with Deja Vu as it could be one component of why we feel the sensation as if we've lived a moment more than once. However, we may have actually lived that moment already. Therefore, Deja Vu is a snag in our reality of time, and in that we gain for a split second a consciousness of the alternate realities coexisting amongst us. In this series of work, “Pulling strings”, I aim to demonstrate the idea of multiple realities, highlight the confusion and lack of understanding when we experience a Deja Vu moment, and aid our minds to comprehend the almost incomprehensible theory: That time as we know it is a facade that we have yet to uncover. We are constantly living in a web of physical existences, unexplainable by time. Strangely familiar.